April 3, 2020

The AIAS is pleased to announce the 2020 CRIT Journal Team, led by newly appointed Editor-in-Chief Samantha Pires, from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Entirely composed of students and recent graduates, the Editorial and Writing Teams will be responsible for the publication of the Winter 88 (print) edition.

During university, AIAS gave me the opportunity to do research outside of studio projects- it was a chance to think and write critically about the profession and my role in it. I am looking forward to this new role as Editor-in-Chief to support others who are taking advantage of this opportunity with CRIT. As this decade begins with new challenges that are changing our world and our field, I am excited to start important conversations and tell inspiring stories with the board and with all those that read the upcoming issue.” – Samantha Pires

The 2020 CRIT Journal Associate Editors are Morgan Cleek from Bowling Green State University and Ryan Franchak from the University of New Mexico; both have incredible vision and experience that they bring to the roles. 

The 2020 CRIT Journal Team will be comprised of:


Samntha Pires, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Class of 2019



Morgan Cleek, Bowling Green State University, Class of 2021

Ryan Franchak, University of New Mexico, Class of 2019



Fernando Olmedo Rivera, University of Texas at Arlington, Class of 2020

Joana Abou Ali, Lebanese American University, Class of 2020

Erin Doering, Clemson University, Class of 2019

Gwendoline Albright Ndikumagenge, Andrews University, Class of 2020

Karianna Larson, South Dakota State University, Class of 2020

Aubrey Bader, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Class of 2021

Logan Heffelman, Kent State University, Class of 2020

Anisa Hermosillo, University of Arizona, Class of 2022



CRIT is the journal of the AIAS and the premier publication of student’s in architecture, design, and associated fields. Published since 1976, CRIT offers a variety of opportunities for AIAS members and acts as a forum for critical discourse and the dissemination of knowledge.

CRIT is your opportunity to distinguish yourself from your peers and provide you a competitive edge. CRIT presents opportunities for students to have their work published in a national journal that is read by thousands of students and is a part of the collections of nearly every architecture school library and a growing number of architecture firms.

Interested in submitting to CRIT for the upcoming issues? Submit now.