This page will continue to be updated with Elections content and information throughout the 2024 Elections Cycle.
The Elections of the AIAS Board of Directors are typically held in conjunction with the annual AIAS conference FORUM during the business meetings. This year elections events will be focused around FORUM which will be held January 8 – 11, 2025. Should you have any questions regarding the elections process, please reach out to the Elections Chair, Past President Colt Brock at pastpresident@aias.org.
Check back in early December to see the Candidate Packets for each position! Throughout FORUM, members will have the opportunity to talk with the Candidates, ask questions, and get to know them prior to the election taking place during the Council of Presidents Meeting on January 11th, 2025.
Elections will follow the AIAS Rules of the Board, AIAS Bylaws, and AIAS Code of Ethics, as well as the Elections Guidelines released October of 2024, found below. Any election-related actions perceived as a violation of the Elections Rules and Procedures or the Code of Ethics should be reported to the Elections Chair through this form. You must be a current member of the AIAS to report a violation. In order to be considered a certified candidate, the interested person must meet all eligibility requirements in the Bylaws and Rules of the Board as well as submit the materials in their Candidacy Declaration Packet as outlined in the 2024 AIAS Elections Candidate Guidelines.
AIAS members from Chapters in good standing can still run as an Undeclared Candidate from the floor as per Bylaw 7.22. In an uncontested race, or one with fewer than two Certified Candidates, members may run as Undeclared Candidates from the floor as per Bylaw 7.221 (see below).