December 2015 Chapter Leader of the Month: Sarah Martinez

Each month, the AIAS highlights the outstanding dedication and accomplishments of one of its members. The Chapter Leader of the Month can be a Chapter President or any member who has shown tremendous leadership. Congratulations to the December 2015 Chapter Leader of the Month, Sarah Martinez!
Sarah Martinez is currently a fourth year architecture student at Judson University just outside Chicago. Sarah serves as president of her chapter and first became involved with AIAS during her second year of architecture school after attending the Quad Conference in Minnesota. It was there that she saw the passion that AIAS had not only for the profession, but for the students who ultimately will be the profession in the future. After going to events such as FORUM, Quad and Grassroots, Sarah says her most valuable experience with AIAS has been being able to travel the country to meet students from other universities who will ultimately be the ones she works with in the future.
“In my experience at Judson, the most gratifying part of being in AIAS leadership is the opportunity I have had to work alongside my team to serve our architecture student body through mentoring, social events and workshops,” said Sarah. “I look forward to seeing what Judson AIAS has to contribute to the student and professional communities as we continue to prepare ourselves for the future profession of architecture.”
Ever since meeting Sarah at Grassroots, Midwest Quad Director Danielle Jones felt that she was going to standout “She does not fall short of stepping up to any challenge,” said Jones.

As part of the Freshman Studio “Crit Night,” Judson’s AIAS leadership provided peer reviews when visiting the freshman studios.
Under Sarah’s leadership, Judson AIAS held a Freshman Studio “Crit Night” where AIAS leadership visited the freshman studios. The leadership talked with the freshman about their projects and how studio was going for them.
“We were surprised at how many [freshman] there were,” said Sarah, “we thought no one would show up!”
The chapter now does Freshman Crit Night about once or twice a month. “It’s been a great chance for freshman to receive help and mentorship, but also for AIAS leadership to have conversations about design with other students,” said Sarah.
You can nominate an outstanding AIAS member for Chapter Leader of the Month at