May 16, 2016 by 2019-2020 Equity & Diversity Task Force, 2019-2020 Sustainability & Resiliency Task Force, 2020-2021 Council of Global Representatives, 2020-2021 Learning & Teaching Culture Advisory Group, 2021-2022 Professional Development Advisory Group

One of the perks of your service to the AIAS has been that you receive Leadership and Service Hours for NCARB’s IDP. On June 29, 2016, the Intern Development Program (IDP) will be updated to reflect six broad areas of current architectural practice—and renamed the Architectural Experience Program (AXP). If you currently have any AIAS Leadership and Service hours to report, you must do so before June 29.

Leadership and Service will no longer qualify for experience hours once AXP launches.

What This Means For Me

This means that you can still report Leadership and Service hours up until June 28, 2016. Get those hours submitted! If you have reports for these experiences in saved status, you will not be able to submit them after June 28, 2016, and they will no longer be eligible to satisfy your AXP or additional jurisdiction requirements.

Any hours that you have submitted for Leadership and Service by June 28 will then roll over into the Practice Management area in AXP.

Talk to Your Supervisor

Your reports for Leadership and Service hours must be submitted prior to June 29, 2016; however, your supervisor (the AIAS Faculty Advisor) does not need to approve them prior to June 29, 2016. Reports approved after June 29, 2016, will still count toward your experience.

Also, don’t forget that you can report experience up to five years back, provided you meet the Reporting Requirements!

Plan Ahead

The system will be slow as the AXP launch approaches since more licensure candidates than usual will be accessing the system. Please be patient, and submit your reports sooner rather than later.

Not sure what hours you’ll need to earn in the new AXP? Use the interactive Experience Calculator to explore how your hours will transfer over, and learn more about the upcoming AXP launch on our website.