January 2018 Chapter Leader of the Month: Alex Siegel
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis ObispoAlex Siegel is currently a fifth year architecture student at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He has served on his chapter’s AIAS Board as Chapter Treasurer for two years, and now as the 2017-2018 Chapter President. In high school, Alex had received a scholarship through his local AIA chapter which inevitably led to his involvement in AIAS.
As Chapter President, Alex has helped oversee the chapter’s second year of ARCHx lectures, produced medallions as tokens of appreciation for the ARCHx lecturers, represented his chapter at Grassroots and FORUM, restructured the complex board, rewrote and consolidated his chapter’s bylaws, and produced an event form process to aid coordinators and documentation.
West Quadrant Director Caitlin Kessler said that Alex has extended CalPoly SLO’s AIAS network by collaborating with nearby AIAS chapters, faculty, and local professionals. “Alex has the character of a true leader – patient, inquisitive, helpful, confident, and most importantly, proactive,” said Caitlin.
Alex’s unwavering commitment and dedication has not gone unnoticed among his peers. Liam Hanlon, AIAS Past Chapter President, explains how Alex continues to demonstrate exceptional leadership and people management skills. “Alex’s emotional intelligence supports his work as he is able to relate to people and connect with them. His creative mind has changed the way our board functions and runs. By creating a dynamic calendar, we are now able to see where our board members are during the week and what they are up to,” said Liam.
Alex plans to promote social initiatives that allow students to get out of studio and to engage with local professionals and each other in the coming year. He also hopes to boost membership within his chapter and neighboring ones to create a sizable AIAS presence in the West Quad!