Each month, the AIAS highlights the outstanding dedication and accomplishments of one of its members. The Chapter Leader of the Month can be a Chapter President or any member who has shown tremendous leadership.



Each month, the AIAS highlights the outstanding dedication and accomplishments of one of its members. The Chapter Leader of the Month can be a Chapter President or any member who has shown tremendous leadership. Congratulations to the May 2016 Chapter Leader of the Month, Ryan Cusack!

Ryan01Ryan Cusack is a fourth year student at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in the 5-year Bachelor of Architecture program. He has served as the Chapter President for the past year and has been reelected to serve as President for the upcoming ’16-’17 academic year.

As Chapter President, Ryan has helped to lead the NJIT chapter of AIAS to new heights – facilitating the accomplishments of a board comprised of 26 directors.

“It takes a lot of organization and courage to lead such a large board successfully,” said Northeast Quad Director Rachel Law. “Ryan is the most humble chapter president I have ever met. He doesn’t steal the spotlight but lets his other board members and chapter members bask and revel in the energy of AIAS. It is amazing to see NJIT become a strong chapter again.”

One of the chapter’s greatest successes this year has been the creation of a new 3D Printing Lab within the College of Architecture and Design at NJIT, which along with a Print Room and Supply Shop are all fully operated and managed by AIAS volunteers. These services not only provide students with resources that are necessary for success in architecture school, but also contribute to the social environment of the school and make the culture of NJIT’s School of Architecture unique.

AIAS NJIT Faculty Advisor and Assistant Professor Jesse LeCavalier notes the critical impact of the chapter on the school. “As a large public school of architecture in a state with limited resources, AIAS NJIT plays a fundamental role in supporting our students’ efforts. The chapter is an integral part of the School of Architecture. In short, they keep the place running. Their energy and enthusiasm is as boundless as it is contagious,” said Jesse.

Aside from leading the AIAS Chapter at NJIT, Ryan is also active on campus as a member of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity and as a Peer Mentor to first year architecture students through NJIT’s Learning Communities program. Ryan has also been an employee at a NYC-based architecture firm, PKSB Architects, working full-time during summers and part-time during the academic year since 2010.

Through AIAS, Ryan hopes to continue providing students with the resources that facilitate success and to inspire those around him to become leaders within the field of architecture.

You can nominate an outstanding AIAS member for Chapter Leader of the Month at www.aias.org/nominatechapterleader.