June 11, 2020

The driving force of the AIAS is growing membership and creating leaders out of its members.

The AIAS works hard to champion its future leaders through AIAS Grassroots Leadership Conference programming. Each year, AIAS Grassroots serves as an invaluable experience for chapter leaders to educate themselves on the essentials of running a local AIAS chapter. This year, the 2020-2021 Quad Directors have developed a series of sessions that go over the best practices of chapter leadership. Don’t miss them!



Join us for an interactive exploration into the world of chapter finances. We’ll discuss existing financial resources, what it means to be the Treasurer, and hear fundraising ideas. Chapter finances can seem intimidating, but we can teach you how to make the most of your money. Join us to learn more about how to successfully manage your money and put the ‘fun’ in fundraising!





In this interactive session, you will learn about the organizations that govern the practice of architecture. This session will illustrate how five organizations work together to guide the world of architecture, what each represents, and how the AIAS plays a huge role in connecting them. We’ll discuss what the various groups do, why they are important, and how they benefit you as an AIAS member and a student of design. The AIAS does not work alone, so join us to hear some of the other ways you can make a difference!


Membership Without Members

Participants will learn how to keep their chapters going through unprecedented and unpredictable events! It is important to understand how to make the most of your membership even in the most difficult situations. Extreme circumstances will be presented, and members will learn skills to empower themselves and others to keep AIAS alive and resilient.


Modeling Your Success

In this interactive session, participants will learn skills to become future-focused leaders through discussions around AIAS Model Bylaws, as well as recognizing the potential of and being a role model for future leaders. We will explore different tools for team-building and effect communication to ensure the success of your AIAS chapter.