So, you’re the treasurer…
First and foremost, congratulations on answering the call to leadership within your AIAS chapter! Your commitment to advancing leadership, design, and service among your fellow architecture students is what propels this organization forward.
“So, I’m the treasurer. Now what?”
The many roles, duties, and responsibilities that come with being your Chapter Treasurer can be intimidating and the task ahead of you might seem daunting. That’s why we created this multi-part series in an effort to help prepare and guide you through understanding the ins and outs of being a treasurer. This series is meant to provide a range of helpful info, guidance, tips, tricks, and past lessons learned while imparting a basic level of financial literacy.
Maybe you have an amazing predecessor whose shoes seem too impossible to fill. Maybe you are completely new to all of this and you haven’t one clue where to begin. Maybe this isn’t your first rodeo as Chapter Treasurer and you’re looking to change things up. Heck, you might not even be your chapter’s treasurer. Whatever the case may be, we’re here to help.
“But my chapter’s different than most.”
You’re not alone. Believe it or not, this sentiment is felt by many chapter leaders who are reluctant to seek help out of fear that no one will relate. We understand the wide range of chapter types and the many seemingly unique circumstances facing each chapter. Though this guide is certainly not intended to be a “one-size-fits-all” solution, we hope to cover as much ground as possible and represent a variety of chapter circumstances.
“Okay, but what is this series actually gonna teach me?”
The Finance Committee has spent some time compiling and summarizing what it feels are some of the top topics an AIAS Chapter Treasurer is most likely to face. Among them are things like: chapter bank accounts, fundraising, budgeting for events, and much more!
At the end of each month beginning in February, a new installment of So, You’re The Treasurer will be released that breaks down and goes into detail about each topic. At the conclusion of the series, all of the content will be packaged into a handy booklet to be released at Grassroots 2020 this July!
Until then, make sure to check back frequently for new installments of So, You’re The Treasurer. We hope you enjoy!