Welcome to Membership Month

Today we are launching Membership Month! This year at the AIAS Grassroots Leadership Conference, we focused on Taking Action as architecture students! From the momentum we had at Grassroots we are continuing this conversation and celebration throughout the year.
We spent last year amplifying our voices and with so many pressing challenges still ahead of us, now is the time to act. It is the time to make necessary changes to ensure that architectural education and the profession gives everyone a seat at the table. We are the next generation who are going to be responsible for shaping the world and must leave it better than we found it. Our power comes from the individual efforts of every AIAS member joining together. We CAN make an impact. We challenge you to push yourself and your chapter during this next year and month to take action within your school and community to enact positive change.
Dates: August 17 – September 30
We have compiled a Membership Manual to spark your excitement and usher you into the new year. We want to give you a springboard to start your year off with a bang! Inside, we hope you will find the resources and support you need to have a successful year of strategic engagement with your members and community. You can find the resources here.
Reach out to your Quadrant Directors or Regional Ambassadors for more support and ideas around what you read in the Membership Manual. These representatives will serve as your source for national resources this year, so make sure to stay up to date with them!
Throughout Membership Month, we will be highlighting individual members, alumni, and chapters showcasing your experiences as you take action! Stay tuned for #VisibleValueWednesday on Instagram and visit us on social media and the website for a ton of great content!
We’ll also be doing periodic instagram swag giveaways, so look forward to those on the Insta story. If you’re not already following AIAS, be sure to do that now! @aiasorg
To wrap up membership month, President Conti will be hosting an AIAS Town Hall on September 26th. More details to come, but in the meantime feel free to reach out to President Conti with topics your chapter would like to talk about at the town hall!
We are also announcing a brand new Membership Month Competition – the Chapter Promo Competition! This is a new opportunity which encourages you to promote your chapter and get the word out about the value of AIAS membership. We hope you are as excited to make memories with your peers this season as we are to hear about them!
Create and submit a video or graphic campaign that promotes your chapter to potential members at your school! 1st Place will receive $400, 2nd Place will receive $250, and 3rd Place will receive $100. All prizes will go directly to the chapter.
Submissions will be judged on how engaging the promotional material is, clear expression of the value of AIAS membership, and use of the theme “take action.”
Videos can be up to 2 minutes long, and posters/graphics/social media content/etc can be imagined to be any size or format that makes sense for your chapter. Send submissions to vicepresident@aias.org with the subject line “Membership Month Promo Competition Submission”. Only one submission per chapter. In the body of the email please include a quick description of how your chapter plans on using your promotional material (no more than 150 words).
Submissions are due no later than 11:59pm Eastern Time on Friday, September 25.
Contact Vice President Taketatsu with any questions.