November 18, 2020

The third Coffee with the Council was a blast! This year’s video call meeting brought together domestic and international AIAS members and ambassadors for an opportunity to check in on one another and to share important announcements with the group. Of course it was also a chance to show off everyone’s favorite coffee mug! 

We used this time together to share personal thoughts as we discussed our own experiences and the recent challenges we’ve all faced with the online learning phase. Talking about how studio cultures have adjusted to virtual systems, workload is affecting mental well-being especially considering the use/organization of space, zoom fatigue, homesickness, and remaining connected to friends & family can be resolved. Apart from sharing some positivity tips & tricks, which we will be sharing with you through this blog, we have brought up the main focus of 20-21 Council to collect feedback from the globally growing AIAS Community:

How to serve and develop leadership qualities in order to better and sustain the needs of universal AIAS leadership? 

How to connect international and regional membership bodies more?

Penny for Thoughts Call Attendees Came Up With:

Virtual study dates between studio mates through zoom/google hangouts/video call from social media apps- can be done between international and regional chapters. Seeing new faces can be refreshing and help with zoom fatigue! Don’t be shy, everyone is new here!

We missed traveling and seeing new places, but we still have a great opportunity to do that and even though it is not an in person experience, it is still nice to see beautiful places around the world. International and regional members can start posting mini vlogs of some places from the cities they are currently living in!  

CoGR Spotify Playlist & Song suggestions:

Share your music with us! Let’s listen to our favorite songs together, while pulling all nighters, having a calm Sunday-Funday “me-time” or taking the train on ourway to a well-deserved winter break trip (maybe back home!!)

We are interested in listening to songs in various languages! Check it out the playlist on Spotify

Don’t be a stranger, keep in touch! Communication channels:

  • International Slack Workspace:
  • Middle East Region Instagram: @aiasmiddleeast – AIAS Middle East
  • Latin America Region Instagram: @aiaslatinamerica – AIAS Latin America
  • AIAS International Chapters Facebook Group

Show support to local organizations, publications, and events focusing on inclusive values:

  • FAME – Future Architects of Middle East, instagram: @fame_ccny
  • Mashrabiya – A Student run publication about Middle Eastern architecture, instagram: @mashrabiya
  • City&U Community, instagram: @cityandu


Last, but not least, this year International Ambassadors for Middle East and Latin America Regions will be appointed by the National Board of directors during FORUM Palimpsest, along with the 2021-2022 Board of Directors Elections. 

Make sure to check here for the application details for Candidacy Package preparation due 11:59 pm HST, Friday, November 20th, 2020!