May 15, 2023

Megan Leger

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Degree Program
Bachelors of Science in Architecture

Year in School

Describe your studio culture:
With the Architecture program being so large and diverse it is a great place to learn from those around you. First year and second year studios each take up their own floor with an open concept so even though we are broken up into groups of 12-17 students, we are able to connect and work with the rest of our peers as we work on the same or similar projects. People decorate their spaces with large plots of funny jokes or memes to bring character to their space and invite people to explore their section. I always feel there are people I can go around and talk to when I’m working in studio. Having smaller groups sharing a professor but working on similar deliverables as the group next to you helps spread ideas and creates more minds to brainstorm solutions together. I feel that most people are willing to talk about their ideas with anyone and I find with my involvement in AIAS and other architecture based clubs, I know almost everyone in my year and a large number of people in the other years. There are spaces where students can get to know and learn from each other.

Give one tip that has helped you succeed in your studio:

Don’t be afraid to talk to people as you will never learn if you don’t talk with those around you. Some people specialize in different aspects or processes than you do and studio is a great place to learn from people learning with you. Learning from those around you also helps you become more confident in your skills thus being more confident in your work.

What motivates you to work hard in studio?
I strive to be as prepared as possible for my work experience during my schooling and after schooling so the more I work in studio, the more feedback I can get from my professors who I admire and my peers who always have another perspective or interpretation of each others work.

What aspect of your studio experience do you think will help you get a job?
I think having different professors, most of whom are adjunct faculty (people currently practicing in the field and teach on the side), gives me perspectives from people currently in the industry and that will help me with getting a job. Their teachings are current, up to date, and change when the industry changes as they are still practicing design outside of teaching us. Also we switch professors and studio groups each semester which exposes us to new professors and working with more of our peers. Each student takes the teachings from their previous professors into their new studio and we learn from each other that way.

What can professors do to create a helpful and supportive studio culture?

If some professors were more involved with student organizations the student body might feel more connected and supported by the staff outside of class.

What should a high school student understand about studio at your university?

Studio is a very intense class time wise and design wise so getting to know your peers is curtail to most for gaining the maximum experience and knowledge from studio. The people around you will be with you for your schooling and you might work with them after graduating so get to know them early on, make connections, share trade secrets, and don’t be afraid to ask your professor to clarify things or talk more with you. It’s your time and money spent on your education so make the most of it!

What can AIAS do to help improve your studio experience?
If there were more active student competitions or resources for things like portfolio reviews across the nations. those connections would grow within each school and between schools.

What would be in your ideal studio care package?
It would include all the starting supplies from the kit that my school suggests we buy freshman year as it was slightly expensive and it would include a large supply of chipboard, acrylic sheets, and basswood planks.

Complete this sentence: I love studio because…
seeing the creative processes of others inspires me to learn more and push my designs further to expand my knowledge.