December 18, 2024

FORUM 2025 in Austin, Texas is just a few weeks away, and that means we’re rapidly approaching election day for the 2025-2026 AIAS National Board of Directors!

The American Institute of Architecture Students holds elections each year to choose the incoming National Board of Directors who will lead and represent our students and organization into the next school year! The AIAS Board of Directors is comprised of a total of fifteen positions which include President; Vice President; Secretary/Treasurer; four Quadrant Directors; two Regional Directors; ACSA, AIA, NCARB, and NOMA Liaisons (appointed by their respective organizations); the Past President; and the Executive Director (who is an ex officio member of the Board). In the 2024 Elections Cycle, members enrolled full time during the fall semester are eligible to submit candidacy for the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Quad Director, and Regional Director positions.

Members of the Board help steer the course of the organization and connect with chapter leaders and students throughout the AIAS network. Serving on the Board is a great opportunity to further develop leadership abilities, build a solid national and international network with fellow students and professionals, and be a part of directing the AIAS toward a bright future just as student leaders have done for the past 68 years! These positions are crucial to the success of the AIAS, and we rely on your input and vote to select the most qualified candidates. During FORUM, members and delegates of the Council of Presidents will have several opportunities to hear from each candidate and ask questions about their vision for the organization.

Your Chapter’s Delegate is, by default, the Chapter President. Chapter Presidents can appoint another member of their Chapter as the delegate by contacting the AIAS Vice President at If no member of your Chapter is able to attend, your Chapter President can appoint a proxy Chapter to cast their Chapter’s vote, provided you are a Chapter In Good Standing.

Should you have any questions regarding the elections process, please reach out to the Elections Chair, Past President Colt Brock at

Please find below the complete list of Certified Candidates for the 2025-2026 AIAS Board of Directors! Keep in mind that candidates are not allowed to actively campaign for themselves or another candidate prior to FORUM. Please click on the individual headshot to view the candidacy packet. If you have any issues viewing a candidate’s packet, please let the Past President know.

Please note: AIAS members from Chapters in good standing can still run as an Undeclared Candidate from the floor as per Bylaw 7.22. 

Presidential Candidates


Vice Presidential Candidates


Secretary/Treasurer Candidates


Latin America Regional Director Candidates


Middle East Regional Director


Midwest Quad Director Candidates


Northeast Quad Director Candidates


South Quad Director Candidates


West Quad Director Candidates


If you are interested in running for West Quad Director reach out to! The Westie Besties are looking for a great leader for this next year and that could be you!