Welcome to the 2023 Virtual Portfolio Review and Career Expo!
The New Year is the perfect time to start thinking ahead, but before the semester starts (or starts to get hectic for those of you who begin school early in January), the AIAS has some upcoming virtual programming to help you sharpen or refresh your skills, start making plans for your future, and connect with architecture firms all over the country!
Get ready for the Virtual Portfolio Review and Career Expo, as well as three educational sessions on licensure, applying to graduate school, and getting an internship! You can participate in all of these from the comfort of your home, dorm room, or wherever you are! |
Registration links can be found in the Summary Schedule below. More information on the grad school panelists can also be found below. If you have any questions at all, please email us at mailbox@aias.org!
All programming will be held in Eastern Time (ET).