February 24, 2023

A lot happens behind the scenes of the AIAS. Our Board of Directors meets four times a year to discuss objectives, conduct the business of the AIAS, and set the direction of the organization. Most recently, the Board convened on December 11, 2022 for our Winter Meeting. A lightly-censored (for personal privacy and confidential information) version of the minutes of our Board meetings are available to our members, but in the interest of transparency, below is a rundown of discussions held and actions taken by the Board:

  • Presentation of membership and finance analytics
  • Updates on the work of the ‘Alliance’ organizations as they relate to the AIAS
  • Appointed Korey D. White as the 2023-2026 AIA Liaison to the AIAS
  • Appointed Gilberto Lozada as the 2023-2024 Latin America Regional Director
  • Appointed Mia Karim as the 2023-2024 Middle East Regional Director
  • Discussion of ‘title on graduation’ and how the AIAS can advocate for a broader interpretation of the title of ‘architect’
  • Discussion of upcoming AIAS conferences and programming and selection of location for FORUM 2024

Our Council of Presidents (CoP) is made up of our Chapter Presidents. This group meets to review and approve actions taken by the board, as well as discuss the current and future direction of the organization and elect the next Board of Directors. The CoP met in two sessions in January 2023 – the first on the 5th and the second on the 8th. Below are some highlights:

  • Elected the remaining members of the 2023-2024 Board of Directors
  • Charged the National Office with the creation of an international conference
  • Charged the National Office with investigating ways to provide financial support to international members attending domestic conferences
  • Charged the National President with finding new avenues of cooperation between the Council of Global Representatives and other committees
  • Charged the National President with the creation of a graphic on average wages for recent graduates in various regions
  • Hosted a generative discussion on 2024-2027 Strategic Plan goals