This post serves as the official Call for Candidates for the 2017 AIAS elections cycle
Participating in the elections cycle is an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling opportunity. It will provide you with valuable experience to enhance your education and career in addition to the personal growth one experiences through the process. During the elections proceedings, you will be given opportunities to demonstrate your vision for the organization, and the membership will, in turn, elect its Board of Directors based on their views for our collective future.
In order to ensure the success of the 2017 elections cycle, the AIAS Elections Committee puts forward the following Call for Candidates Elections Guidelines. Elections are held in conjunction with the annual AIAS conference FORUM during the business meetings. This year AIAS FORUM will take place in Austin, Texas from December 29, 2017 – January 1, 2018. All questions should be directed to Sarah Wahlgren, Assoc. AIA, Past President and Elections Committee Chair, at
Members interested in pursuing leadership positions with the organization have the opportunity to run for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Northeast Quad Director
- South Quad Director
- Midwest Quad Director
- West Quad Director
These positions will comprise the elected positions for 2018-2019 AIAS Board of Directors. Elections will follow the AIAS Rules of the Board and AIAS Bylaws, as well as the Elections Guidelines and the Elections Code of Ethics released October of 2017, found below. In order to be considered a certified candidate, the interested person must meet all eligibility requirements in the Bylaws and Rules of the Board as well as submit the following materials:
- Letter of intent to run addressed to Sarah Wahlgren, Assoc. AIA, Chair of the Elections Committee
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae (limit two pages)
- Letter of school support
- Responses to Candidate Questionnaire (found in the attached Guidelines)
- Signed statement on the AIAS Policy on Intern Compensation (found in the attached Guidelines)
- Signed statement on AIAS Elections Code of Ethics (found in the attached Guidelines)
- Completed Contact Information Sheet (found in the attached Guidelines)
- One page campaign flyer to be posted on AIAS website and social media (no larger than 8.5”x11” must be .pdf format, no larger than 3 MB)
All items must be submitted via email no later than 11:59pm HST, Sunday, November 26th, 2017.
All documents should be in PDF form, combined into one single document not exceeding 3MB, labeled as “LastName_Elections 2017.pdf” and submitted by email to the Elections Chair, Sarah Wahlgren, Assoc. AIA, at
Upon receiving the required materials, each certified candidate will receive further instructions on the elections and campaigning process from the Elections Committee. All certified candidates’ submissions will be posted on the AIAS website and social media in advance of FORUM 2017 for other chapter leaders and members to review. The above candidate package materials will be one of the most important tools that your colleagues will use to evaluate each candidate’s credentials. Submission of these materials for posting on the AIAS Web site is the ONLY method of campaigning allowed before FORUM.
The AIAS is an extremely successful organization because of the dedication and passion of its grassroots student leadership. If you are interested in running as a certified candidate, please contact Past President Sarah Wahlgren, Assoc. AIA, at prior to submission of materials so questions to all candidates are answered equally.