CRIT Scholar is a research-based fellowship program funded by the AIA in partnership with several prominent architecture firms. The program supports student research and serves as an exclusive opportunity for students to receive further guidance in their own research. The long-term objective is to encourage students to be actively involved in furthering architectural innovation in support of the design profession through mentored research projects embedded in academia and practice. 

The program is targeted towards students passionate about architectural research. Each CRIT Scholar will receive a $1,000 grant to fund their research. In addition, they will be personally matched with an architect advisor who is specialized in their topic area of research. Mentors will be from firms, such as Payette, HKS Architects, and Sasaki. Applicants do not need to have a completed project in order to apply and proposals in various stages of research will be reviewed.  Those interested in applying must be an active AIAS member.


DEADLINE TO APPLY: December 20, 2023


Participant Value & Expectations

Mentor Value & Expectations

2023-2024 CRIT Scholars

2022-2023 CRIT Scholars

Past & Present Mentors