October 6, 2017 by 2019-2020 Equity & Diversity Task Force, 2019-2020 Sustainability & Resiliency Task Force, 2020-2021 Council of Global Representatives, 2020-2021 Learning & Teaching Culture Advisory Group, 2021-2022 Professional Development Advisory Group

Located in South Central Texas, we are a gem tucked away inside of Downtown San Antonio. San Antonio College is home to a singular architecture program that places emphasis on conceptual design, freehand drawing and proficient computer graphic skills. Located in the Chance Academic Center, lives are changed, lifelong friendships are forged, and disciplined architecture students are groomed.

SAC’s Architecture Program is unique in size due to us being part of a community college, however, it is one of the largest community college architecture programs in the country. We have more than 100 students in the major and an 11-person faculty comprised of both professors and adjuncts. Most of our faculty are practicing architects who offer a relevant, up-to-date learning environment. When you leave SAC you are a prepared true junior transfer student. SAC is known for having their students transfer to reputable universities with admirable drawing skills and strong work ethics. The size of this program creates a familial atmosphere within the classrooms which extends out into the campus and San Antonio’s community.

Our AIAS chapter is small, but mighty. We have a huge heart for our city and often work closely with AIA San Antonio. We work as docents for their annual architectural homes tour. We design and build full scale installations for the Beaux Arts Ball. We mentor elementary students at a local art school. We compete against Architecture firms in Canstruction by designing sculptures made of cans donated to the San Antonio Food Bank. We are proud and we will defend our program and boast loudly during Forum Roll Call about how great it is to have our roots spread here.

When I moved to San Antonio from Okinawa, Japan, I had recently retired from a nine-year career in the Air Force, I was fifty pounds heavier than I am now, and I was hundreds of miles from my family and closest friends. I’d lost sight of who I was in my decade of service, and now I had the opportunity to design my future. My education at San Antonio College served as the catalyst for change, upheaval and growth in my life. My professors build me up, break me down and build me up again. My classmates and fellow AIAS members spark creativity and bring joy to my life. My SAC family is continually refining and shaping me into my best self.

I was hesitant at first. “I want to focus on my academics”, I said. “I am going to keep my head down and not get involved”, I said. Before I knew it, I made friends and formed relationships with teachers who both encouraged me to volunteer and eventually run for office. I became the NCAARB representative my freshman year and am now, as a sophomore, AIAS President. Getting involved has afforded me many opportunities and professional relationships that will help launch me towards the future I hope to have as an Interior Designer. I love my school, this Architecture Program and my AIAS chapter and I will always brag about it.