University of Kansas
AIAS University of Kansas FBD Program is currently welding the steel for their three tables. They’ve finished welding all three frames and now are moving on to braces and table legs. The flat bar steel you see on the right side of the table will be one of the braces. Their next task is to set up the bowling alley wood to begin cutting it down in the near future.
They are still planning on building the benches, however, they are seeking discounted prices and are still trying to decide which variety of wood to use. Until a few days ago, they were concerned they would not have enough room in the budget for landscaping elements, but they received a donation which will help out with those purchases.
North Carolina State University
AIAS North Carolina State FBD Program has designed the water table for the Tammy Lynn Center. They started testing the way the water will sprinkle out into the water pools. Using PVC pipes and different connectors, they have also explored the water pressure going through different pipes. They will continue to test water circulation and different sensory textures for the water table. They also are continuing to meet with both the client and professional mentors as well as with faculty members at NCSU.
Savannah College of Art and Design
AIAS Savannah College of Art and Design is currently working with Safe Shelter to develop proper drainage and footpaths for Safe Shelter’s outdoor spaces. Over the past couple of months, they have continued their fundraising efforts for the project through a Valentines Day Book Fundraiser, a Studio Dodgeball tournament, and a Beaux Arts Ball. At this time, they have completed their first major purchasing of materials for the build date.
Auburn University
AIAS Auburn University FBD Program is currently working on an accessible entrance for a couple in Cusetta, Alabama. All of the structural members are constructed and they are halfway through decking and railings. They hope to complete the project by the end of March.
University of Houston
AIAS University of Houston FBD Program is currently working on a project to build storage cabinets for Easter Seals-Greater Houston, a non-profit organization that provides helpful services to physically and mentally-impaired persons of varying ages through school programs and therapy. Their previous storage was flooded due to Hurricane Harvey and since their cabinets were metal they began to rust. University of Houston FBD Program is planning to design four storage cabinets made out of medium-density fibreboard. Once they are complete, they are planning to paint the doors with different patterns.
Easter Seals Houston Project Proposal