May 2023 Chapter Leader of the Month: Kody Cheung
Drexel University
Whether you see him working on his studio projects, sketching, or hosting and helping at events, Kody is constantly on the drive to connect with others and make the most of his college experience. Kody Cheung is a current third-year undergraduate architecture student at Drexel University who is also minoring in Construction Management and Spanish. He is the 2022-2023 Treasurer for his school’s AIAS chapter and is also working with wonderful AIAS members from the nation in the Student Health and Wellbeing Task Force.
Since the seventh grade, Kody has been infatuated with the idea of being an architect. Eight years later, he still is on the journey to make his younger self proud by continuing his architectural education in academia and the workforce. Balancing both acts, Kody is determined to learn as much as possible, improving his knowledge about architecture and the built environment.
Since his freshman year, Kody has been working for the AIAS through engagement and collaboration with students from other universities to create more representation in the student body. Whether it is in the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) or Student Health and Wellbeing Task Force, Kody has participated in projects that highlight and advocate for diversity and mental health in the career field.
Due to these efforts in the Task Forces, he has found an idyllic interest in coalescing the physical built environment with social justice and advocacy. Undeniably, whether on a Zoom call or campus, Kody is passionate about advocating for social justice and change no matter any circumstance.
At Drexel, Kody has persistently been involved in the AIAS Chapter as Treasurer. He aided the budgeting for multiple university events including Drexel’s annual Pumpkin Painting and Gingerbread House Competitions, Professional Development events, and the upcoming Beaux Arts Ball. Working with an amazing and hardworking AIAS Board, he thanks them for providing great events for the students.
Helping the school in any way possible, he can be found assisting professors during Open Houses and Admitted Students Days to introduce and explain the architecture program to prospective students and their families, answering any questions and uncertainties that may arise.
While most of his activities lie in the stratum of architecture, Kody continues his efforts of advocacy and social justice in other extracurricular activities including Drexel University’s Asian Students Association. He works along with another group of diverse minds to host workshops and their annual Asian American Philadelphia Advocacy Conference to educate and champion issues regarding Asian American identity.
Kody is very grateful for all the opportunities he has had in the AIAS. “The AIAS is one of the best things that I have done. Helping and providing a voice for the students while constantly meeting and connecting with new faces and fresh minds provide me immense hope for the next generation of designers.”