December 20, 2017

Sometimes it happens – the stars don’t align and the AIAS has long sought-after positions that are suddenly uncontested. What are our choices? What are YOUR choices?? What’s going to happen to the future of AIAS??

Well, luckily, there is protocol in place to make sure that the opportunity for leadership to step forward is always available.

In this case, FORUM 2017, the role of South Quad Director has no declared candidates. Here’s what happens next in this situation.

Our Bylaws state:

6.221 Undeclared Candidates for Uncontested Races. Undeclared Candidates for uncontested races, or those with fewer than two Certified Candidates, are eligible to announce their candidacy during the designated time at the General Business Session at FORUM without prior verification from the Elections Chair. Such Candidates will be provisionally accepted pending eligibility review by the Elections Chair.

In some years, this would also apply in races with just one candidate. This year, every other position is contested! Go team!! South Quad, we forgive you.

The first General Business Session starts at 9:00am on Friday, December 29th. After the keynote, around 10:45am, there will be a ‘call for undeclared candidates’ to step forward. This is where you’ll speak up! Here’s what’s next after you announce your candidacy:

6.223 Nomination of Undeclared Candidates. Once an Undeclared Candidate has announced their candidacy as described above in section 6.221 or 6.222, and has been deemed eligible for candidacy by the Elections Chair, he or she must then be nominated for that position. Nominations of undeclared candidates shall be made by a delegate of the Council of Presidents from the floor at a time designated by the Elections Chair at the opening General Business Session at FORUM.

6.2231 Approval. If the candidate’s nomination is seconded by another delegate of the COP, as verified by the Elections Chair, then he/she is considered duly nominated for the office and placed on the official ballot.

Okay, so backup, here’s the full break-down of what’s going to happen

  1. At 10:45am on Friday, December 29th, Elections Chair, Sarah Wahlgren, will state “Are there any undeclared candidates from the floor?”
  2. You’ll raise your hand, be called upon, and say “My name is _____ from _(school)_ and I would like to announce my candidacy for South Quad Director”
  3. Sarah: “Who is nominating ____?”
  4. Then your nominator — a Chapter President from another school besides your own – will say “my name is ____ from ____ and I nominate ____ from ____”
  5. Sarah: “Is there a second?”
  6. Someone else in the audience says “I second.”
  7. Then you’re approved!  

It’s important to note that your nominator and seconder aren’t necessarily committing to voting for you, they are just supporting your candidacy to run. It is advised that you make contact with delegates to nominate and second you prior to FORUM. If you would like support in contacting other chapter presidents, please reach out to the South Quad Director, Sarah Curry, at or your respective Quad Director.

For uncontested races, undeclared candidates from the floor have all of the same privileges as declared candidates. They will participate in all speeches, Q&A sessions, and receptions.

But what if you want to run in one of the contested races? Good for you! You’ll have to submit all of the elections packet material as the other candidates and you won’t be able to participate in the first speech, but it IS possible. Here’s what the bylaws say for you:

6.222 Undeclared Candidates for Contested Races. Undeclared Candidates for contested races must verify their intent to run with the Elections Chair no later than the opening General Business Session at FORUM. Undeclared Candidates must return all items outlined in chapter 13 of the Rules of the Board to the Elections Chair at that time. The Elections Chair shall have full authority to determine the eligibility of Undeclared Candidates dependent on completion and consideration of these rules and regulations.

If you are considering running in one of the contested races, as a first step please contact Elections Chair, Sarah Wahlgren at pastpresident@aias.or for a further discussion about what’s involved in that process. If you have any questions about the schedule, please review the 2017 Elections Schedule

Thank you so much for your consideration in stepping up for a leadership role within AIAS! We can’t wait to see you at FORUM!!

All the best,
