August 25, 2021


Hello everyone! Welcome to Fall Membership Month and our year together! This year’s theme is EVOLVE. During #AIASmem21, the national office will be focusing on how we can evolve to be better versions of ourselves. Each week of Membership Month will focus on a different topic to equip you to serve your members, and to have the best membership experience yourself. The schedule of the Fall Membership Month is as follows:

WEEK 0: Evolving Membership MonthAugust 25th

WEEK 1: National ProgramingAugust 30th

WEEK 2: What Do Your Members Want?September 6th

WEEK 3: Getting Members in the DoorSeptember 13th

WEEK 4: Local Chapter LoveSeptember 20th

WEEK 5: Community BuildingSeptember 27th

WEEK 6: Goal Setting: Level UPOctober 4th

August 25th – October 8th

Questions? Email and Vice President Shannon DeFranza can help you!


Be sure to download the Membership Manual HERE. We have compiled this Membership Manual to get you ready and pumped up to usher in the new year. Inside, we hope you will find the resources and support you need to have a successful year of strategic engagement with your members and community, and the best membership experience possible.

You can also access the Membership Month Campaign Graphics Package (8/25) and Chapter Resources Package (9/20) from the CoP Team Drive, and/or your chapter emails to promote the AIAS at your school and in your community!


This Membership Month we will be highlighting the work for different chapters, members, alumni, and what the National Office has to offer. Coming out of such a crazy year, we want to make sure all members and chapters feel supported! Make sure to follow @aiasorg on Instagram and get on your Quad or the International Slack Workspace!

We also will be having our first TOWN HALL of the year on October 6th at 8 pm ET! We can discuss anything and everything there, so mark your calendars and bring a friend!


1)  Level UP: Membership Growth Competition 

This Membership Growth Competition will be based on how much you can grow your membership numbers from last year by the end of October. On that date, the National Office will compare the percentage growth between your membership numbers on October 31st, 2020, to October 31st 2021!

  • One Chapter per Quad/Region will win and receive $100!
  • ***Note: The Chapter must have at least 11 members, with their President registered by October 31st, 2021.
2)  How it started, How it’s Going: Sharing Personal Growth 

We’ve all seen this trend on social media by now. With the theme EVOLVE, we want you to share your “How it Started, How it’s Going” journey.

  • On Instagram, share yourself as a freshman or younger and what your goals and struggles were.
  • Share where you are now in your path, how you grew, and how AIAS helped you get there!
  • Get your alumni involved!
  • Tag @aiasorg, your Quad/Region Account, #AIASmem21,#AIASEvolve, #AIASLevelUP, #AIASHowitStartedvsHowitsGoing and we’ll repost!
  • The Chapter that engages the most will receive $150 
3)  Instagram Giveaways: Every Other Friday

One of the most important parts of Membership Month is Visible Value Wednesday. This is a video series every Wednesday by the National Vice President to give you all the news and info you need to succeed! 

  • Watch Visible Value Wednesday each week.
  • Answer the 3-5 quiz questions all correctly on the Friday of that week (8/27, 9/10, 9/24), and be entered to WIN FREE AIAS MERCH!


Be sure to share photos from your chapter on social media and tag @aiasorg and your Quad or Region account. The membership month hashtags are:






