The AIAS is looking for members to share their designs and renderings on Instagram to showcase the work our members do and to provide inspiration for those looking to enhance their skill sets. This competition is open to all years and skillsets – show us what you’ve got! Share your sketches and renderings of a parklet starting via Instagram.
Make sure to follow AND tag the AIAS National Office and Vectorworks on Instagram – @aiasorg and @vectorworks . Use the following hashtags: #AIASparklet and #Vectorworksparklet At the close of the competition, the jury will select three winners from the submissions.
*Note: You must be an active AIAS member to participate*
**You must have a public Instagram account to participate**
***There is no limit to the number of parklet sketches and renderings you can submit, but please choose your best!***
What is a Parklet?
A parklet is an urban intervention that allows for additional public gathering space. Parklets repurpose, activate, and expand public space in an innovative way, creating space for all people.
Parklet Design Requirements
- The parklet shall be contained within the perimeter of one or two parking space(s).
- The parklet must have a physical edge to buffer the street.
- The parklet’s design should maintain a visual connection to the street.
- The parklet should be accessible to all and have a connection to existing public space such as a sidewalk or plaza.
Required Documents:
Plan showing parklet location and context
One elevation OR a perspective render
You must have uploaded your designs and renderings to Instagram by 11:59 pm on January 8, 2022.
The winning cash prizes are as follows:
1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $250
3rd Place: $100