April 1, 2024 by AIAS Headquarters

Prototype for the Future: Affordable Neighborhood Housing Solutions

As cities across the United States work to support affordable housing solutions, architects and designers play a pivotal role in creating safe and healthy environments. To challenge designers and communities to support family-focused housing options, this student design competition asks participants to envision how a single-family townhouse unit solution can serve as a prototype to create affordable housing options within neighborhoods.

This inaugural competition is focused on the metro area of Long Beach, California where there is a large demand for affordable housing. This coastal city located in southern California is part of the Los Angeles metro area and home to one of the country’s busiest seaports. With a population estimate of over 450,000 with 15.1% living in poverty, the city has a need to serve thousands of families*.

The City of Signal Hill is surrounded by Long Beach and represents an area where underdeveloped parcels can be used to infill housing and create neighborhoods with nearby elementary schools.

*U.S. Census Bureau quickfacts: Long Beach City, California; United States. Accessed January 31, 2024. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/longbeachcitycalifornia,US/PST045222

The competition is open to all active members of the AIAS. Submissions will be accepted by individuals or design teams (two members maximum). The competition brief can be DOWNLOADED HERE or read below.

Individuals or design teams interested in the design competition shall register with the AIAS by contacting mailbox@aias.org or by uploading to: https://aias.slideroom.com/#/permalink/program/77878



The Competition Site and Design Program


Competition Schedule and Submission Requirements
