July 27, 2017

Name: Chloe Granger
School: Drury University, Hammons School of Architecture
Degree Program: Masters of Architecture
Year in School: 3rd


Describe your studio culture:
Our studio culture is friendly, talkative, casual, creative, diverse, and passionate; we try to respect everyone’s space as well as spend time with each other, so it’s like a big family with great dialogue between our professors and studio instructors who give feedback and critique to us.

Give one tip that has helped you succeed in studio:
Sketch as much as you can, digitally model as little as possible.

What motivates you to work hard in studio:
My peers motivate me with teammate spirit as well as the inspirational work they produce.

What aspect of your studio experience do you think will help you get a job?
Working with a team to coordinate a project will give me skills to get a job in the competitive market, as well as learning to think through the creative process to achieve the best solutions for a design problem.

What can professors do to create a helpful and supportive studio culture?
Professors provide desk critiques, set productive due dates to keep us on a timeline, and provide instruction and thoughtful ideas about our projects that create a helpful and supportive studio culture. The respect and friendliness with which they address us boosts our self-esteem and therefore our creativity.

What should a high school student understand about studio at my university:
You will grow a lot during your design studios and learn a lot; be open to all the new knowledge and experiences and always push for improvement.

What can AIAS do to help improve your studio experience:
AIAS provides great networking opportunities within the school and around the nation; getting involved will help your leadership skills, help you meet new people, and increase your confidence in studio.

What would be in your ideal studio care package:
Water bottles, coffee, blanket, Girl Scout cookies, and headphones!

Complete this sentence: I love studio because:
It is like a family, and I’ve learned so much and grown as a person because of the people and experiences I’ve had at Hammons School of Architecture.