Welcome to the 2023 AIAS Governance Page!
If you have any questions at all, please email us at mailbox@aias.org! All programming will be held in Eastern Time (ET).
Summary Schedule
All times in Eastern.
Start Time | End Time | Programming |
11:00am | 1:00pm |
Candidate Q & A |
1:00pm | 1:30pm | Break |
1:30pm | 4:00pm |
Committee Summit |
4:00pm | 4:30pm | Break |
4:30pm | 5:30pm |
Closing Speeches |
Start Time | End Time | Programming |
11:00am | 12:30pm |
Council of Presidents [CoP] Day Two |
Google Meet watch-links are hyperlinked above to the Council of Presidents Day One (January 5th) and Day Two (January 8th). If you are a chapter delegate, please look at your official AIAS Chapter Email for the Zoom links to each session. For assistance, email vicepresident@aias.org.
The American Institute of Architecture Students holds elections each year to choose the incoming National Board of Directors who will lead and represent our students and organization into the next school year! The National Board is comprised of a total of fourteen positions which include President; Vice President; four regional Quad Directors; two International Regional Directors; ACSA, AIA, NCARB, and NOMA Liaisons(appointed by their respective organizations); the Past President; and the Executive Director (who is an ex officio member of the Board). In the 2022 Elections Cycle, student members are eligible to submit candidacy for the President, Vice President, and Quad Director positions.
Members on the National Board help steer the course of the organization and connect with chapter leaders and students throughout the AIAS network. It is a great opportunity to further develop leadership abilities, build a solid national and international network with fellow students and professionals, and be a part of directing the AIAS toward a bright future just as student leaders have done for the past 66 years! These positions are crucial to the success of the AIAS, and we rely on your input and vote to select the most qualified candidates. During Governance Weekend, members and delegates of the Council of Presidents will have several opportunities to hear from each candidate and ask questions about their vision for the organization.
AIAS National Board of Directors Elections Materials
Please find below the complete list of Certified Candidates for the 2023-2024 AIAS National Board of Directors! Keep in mind that candidates are not allowed to actively campaign for themselves or another candidate prior to the Governance Weekend. Please click on the individual headshot to view the candidacy packet. If you have any issues viewing a candidate’s packet, please let the Past President know. Head over to the official election page to learn more!
Presidential Candidates
Vice Presidential Candidates
Midwest Quad Director Candidates
Northeast Quad Director Candidates
South Quad Director Candidates
West Quad Director Candidates
What Does It Mean to 'Run From the Floor' in an AIAS Election?
It can happen – all of our manifesting is for naught and the AIAS has long sought-after positions that are suddenly uncontested. What are our choices? What are YOUR choices?? What’s going to happen to the future of AIAS??
Luckily, there is protocol in place to make sure that the opportunity for leadership to step forward is always available.
In this case, Governance Weekend 2023, the roles of President and Vice President are both uncontested races. Here’s what happens next in this situation.
Our Bylaws state:
7.22 Undeclared Candidates. Participants who do not announce their candidacy as defined in the Bylaws and Rules of the Board – may announce their candidacy during the designated time at the Winter Meeting of the Council of Presidents. These participants shall be defined as Undeclared Candidates.
7.222 Undeclared Candidates for Contested Races. Undeclared Candidates for contested races must verify their intent to run with the Elections Chair no later than the opening of the Winter Meeting of the Council of Presidents. Undeclared Candidates must return all items outlined in chapter 13 of the Rules of the Board to the Elections Chair at that time. The Elections Chair shall have full authority to determine the eligibility of Undeclared Candidates dependent on completion and consideration of these rules and regulations.
This would apply in races with just one candidate. This year, every other position is contested – go team!
For our purposes this year, candidates may declare and be nominated at the opening session of the Council of Presidents Meeting. This meeting starts at 12:30p EST on Thursday, January 5th. Near the beginning of the meeting there will be a ‘call for undeclared candidates’ to step forward. This is where you’ll speak up! Here’s what’s next after you announce your candidacy:
7.223 Nomination of Undeclared Candidates. Once an Undeclared Candidate has announced their candidacy as described above in section 7.221 or 7.222, and has been deemed eligible for candidacy by the Elections Chair, they must then be nominated for that position. Nominations of undeclared candidates shall be made by a delegate of the Council of Presidents from the floor at a time designated by the Elections Chair at the Winter Meeting of the Council of Presidents.
7.2231 Approval. If the candidate’s nomination is seconded by another delegate of the COP, as verified by the Elections Chair, then they are considered duly nominated for the office and placed on the official ballot.
I know what you’re saying – “Coop, slow down! That’s a lot of bylaws!” And to that I say ‘Yes, chef.’ Let’s break it down
- On Thursday January 5, Elections Chair Scott Cornelius, will ask “Are there any undeclared candidates from the floor?”
- You’ll raise your hand, be called upon, and say “My name is _(name)_ from _(school)_ and I would like to announce my candidacy for _(position)_.”
- Scott: “Who is nominating ____?”
- Then your nominator — a Chapter President from another school besides your own – will say “my name is _(name)_ from _(school)_ and I nominate _(undeclared candidate)_ from _(candidate’s school)_ for the position of _(position)_.”
- Scott: “Is there a second?”
- Someone else in the audience says “I second.”
- Then you’re approved!
See? It’s not so scary! It’s important to note that your nominator and seconder aren’t necessarily committing to voting for you, they are just supporting your candidacy to run. It is advised that you make contact with delegates to nominate and second you prior to announcing your candidacy at Governance Weekend. If you would like support in contacting other chapter presidents, please reach out to me at president@aias.org .
To run in a contested race, you’ll have to submit all of the elections packet material as the other candidates, so it would be a good idea to start working on that now. Additionally, you won’t be able to participate in the first speech, but it IS possible. for you to run successfully in spite of this.
If you are considering running in one of the contested races, as a first step please contact Elections Chair Scott Cornelius at pastpresident@aias.org for a further discussion about what’s involved in that process.
Thank you so much for your consideration in stepping up for a leadership role within AIAS! We can’t wait to see you at Governance Weekend!
Have fun out there,
Past Committee Monthly Updates
Submit Your Interest for the 2022-2023 National Committees
The AIAS works each year to address issues affecting students around the world through our Committees and Task Forces. These groups are made up of dedicated members who bring their diverse perspectives and experiences together and empower one another to lead us toward a healthy, equitable, and sustainable future. In recent years there has been a stronger need than ever for students to speak up and make necessary changes to our communities and our profession. The 2022-2023 Board of Directors is ready to get to work and support our members. The AIAS has to remember what we’ve learned during these difficult times and move into the next year intent on fighting for what we believe in.
This year’s committees are informed by the amazing discussions and content curated by last year’s committees and the goals outlined in the 2022-2024 AIAS Strategic Plan. There is no one way to be a leader, and there are so many opportunities to use your voice and make a difference. No matter what you are passionate about there is a committee for everyone, so please read through the 2022-2023 Committee Charge Packet, as many charges, deliverables, and even some committees have changed.
Joining a committee, taking on a new leadership position, or running for the Board of Directors are all great ways to take action and gain experience. No matter what your leadership journey has looked like, or even if you’re just getting started, we would love to have you and welcome you to join the team!
NAAB Accreditation Team Student Representative
NCARB Student Licensing Advisor
AIAS Board of Directors (campaign and vote to occur in winter 2022)
- The AIAS Activists program is an evolution of the Advocates program. This year our Activists will be more action-focused as they work to research and present their chosen topics.
Governance Committee
Finance Committee
Membership Committee
Freedom By Design Advisory Committee
Ethics Committee
Council of Global Representatives
Future Programming Task Force
Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Task Force
Student Health & Wellbeing Task Force
Sustainable Futures Task Force
If you would like to participate, let us know that you are interested by filling out the AIAS Leadership Opportunities Application below.