May 9, 2022

Apply Today!

Nominations and applications for the 2022 AIAS Honor Awards cycle are now officially open! Get the recognition you and your chapter deserve! Nominees/applicants need to submit materials by August 31, 2022. And we are switching it up a bit this year!

We know that this academic year has been challenging for everyone in the AIAS, and that is why it’s so important that we recognize those who have stayed committed to supporting their community and to pursuing excellence in leadership, design, and service. There are 10 different honor awards that celebrate everything from research projects to outstanding chapter performance.

Honor Awards

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2022 Submission Guidelines

Applicants need to submit materials by August 31, 2022.

Since 1956, the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) has functioned as an intercollegiate network and representational voice for architecture students. Each year the AIAS honors individuals and groups for their exemplary work in areas such as leadership, collaboration, scholarship, design excellence, and service. The AIAS Honor Awards were developed to publicly recognize outstanding achievements by students, educators, and practitioners who have exhibited an exemplary commitment to the enhancement of the educational experience and the development of architecture students. We encourage everyone to take part in this process!

So what’s new?

While some staple awards have stayed the same since last year, we have updated and changed quite a few of the awards available taking member feedback into account and to encompass every aspect of our mission as the AIAS. Additionally, the application will now be through a Google Form, and not Slideroom. Should you have any questions or issues please email Here is the list of awards available this year:

Chapter Honor Award

Chapter Leader Honor Award

Outstanding Freedom by Design Program Award

Outstanding Freedom by Design Project Award

(NEW!) Advocacy & Impact Honor Award

Design Excellence Honor Award

Student Research Honor Award

Educator Impact Honor Award

Alumni Emerging Professional Honor Award

Outstanding AIA Component Collaboration Honor Award

Why apply?

Recognition means visibility. Visibility means relevance. Relevance means value. This is your chance to nominate someone or apply to be a part in this highly-valued legacy!

If you need some inspiration check out the 2021 Honor Award Winners in the celebration video below! If you know someone who should apply for an honor award, nominate them! They will be emailed the same link that is above to apply. 

2021 Honor Awards Celebration



The American Institute of Architecture Students is a non-profit, student-run organization dedicated to programs, information and resources on issues critical to architecture and the experience of education. For more information, visit