Welcome to Membership Month!
Last year at our Grassroots Council of President’s meeting, you asked us to prove to you what value our members receive for the dues paid and the passion they poured into this organization. We dug in deep and through the work of committee members, national staff, and fruitful conversations at Council of President’s meetings, we put that value on display. The #VisibleVALUE campaign was created and will continue to be strengthened as we progress through this year.
We are now asking for you to be accountable as grassroots leaders and SHOW your membership; PROVE to your membership and school community what you have to offer as an AIAS Chapter.
What to look for
We have compiled a ‘Membership Month Manual’ to spark your excitement and usher you into the new year. We want to give you a springboard to start your year off with a bang! Inside, we hope you will find the resources and support you need to have a successful year of strategic engagement with your members and community. You can find the resources here.
The resources include Facebook swag for your chapter pages, an editable calendar for your SPARK Week events, and six unique filters for you to SHOW why and how you identify with the AIAS community. Reach out to your quad directors for links to the tools mentioned in the membership manual. The directors will serve as your source for national resources from here on out, so make sure you tune into the Quad Pods to keep up to date!
We have already launched the Bulk Up Competition and have another announced in the pamphlet. We hope you are as excited to make memories with your peers this season as we are to hear about them.
What to look forward to
We want you to be proud of the culture you have developed and look forward to hearing you #BRAGaboutIT as we feature chapters who have demonstrated success in Advocacy, Mentorship, Leadership, Public Service, Networking, as well as excellence in Design.
Tune into our Facebook page for bi-weekly posts to include chapter highlights and operational resources (such as excel based budgets, tax ID information, and fundraising how-to’s).
Use these hashtags: Sprinkle a few in every post!